Hello everyone!  I feel as though it's been an age since I've last posted, maybe in part because it has indeed been a while, but also because in these short few weeks so much has happened.  You ever have periods in your life where you feel you've aged or grown so much more than the actual time that has passed?

ANYway…I'm falling back into the groove a little more with each day and I'm so excited to bring you a closer look at my latest {fresh seeds}: amaryllis and life {documented} vol. 1. Both are available in my shoppe right now and on sale through the weekend.

The Lilypad is four this weekend!!  And we are celebrating with a big (and rare) storewide sale.  Virtually everything is on sale…so big fat WOOT for that.


amaryllis is my January BYOC offering and were designed in the spirit of all things new and with fresh starts in mind…with varied design styles ranging from a "fuller" page, richer in layers with many little details and a little more depth to cleaner and more linear designs.


Here's a peek at a bit of inspiration from the girls:


Next I'm really happy to say that I've teamed up with sweet Katrina of Tiny Toes Designs again.  This time we're bringing you a set of 12 templates inspired by inspired by the documentation of the every day, but which can be used to tell any story and scrap any page.  This series of templates that can be used in coordination with any photography and moment-capturing project including: Project 365, Project 52, and photo-a-day.  If you're not doing project 365, these would still work perfectly for a multi photo and journal heavy layouts. 


and it comes with these simple January date clippables too!


here's a peek at some of the amazing inspiration:



life {documented} is now available at TLP and is on sale through the weekend.  Woot!

As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.  Woot!

I have some really exciting things brewing that I can't wait to share with you…so be sure to check back later this weekend for a hint of what's coming.  Annnd, Crystal and I will be getting back to our Grow With Love posts now that the craziness of the last month has calmed a bit.

Happy weekend and Happy Scrapping!



2 Comments on {fresh seeds} and a sale!

  1. connie
    January 8, 2011 at 1:14 am (13 years ago)

    I love these but the discount code “byocbday” did not work when I tried to buy amaryllis.

  2. scarletsierra
    January 10, 2011 at 1:23 pm (13 years ago)

    Hi Connie sweetie! I’m so sorry about that!! Not sure if you caught my FB post, but I had goofed when creating the coupon so it was a “good for one use” for a spell there..but all should be well now and it should be good for each customer. Sorry love! ♥


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