So it likely comes as no surprise that my “thing” is storytelling.  I have deep love for the story.  I kind of ramble on about it.  My greater hope is to encourage others in the telling of their own stories along the way.  And this month I’m happy to introduce a fresh way to have a play with telling your own story!



Just Press Play is a monthly challenge that is story-and-prompt centric.  The spirit of this challenge is inviting and fun and encourages us to take a fresh look at how we are telling our stories.  It’s where story meets creativity.  And journaling meets fun.

And it works like this:

Each month I will share a basic prompt for journaling (on your scrapbook pages, or on your blogs, or where ever and however you like to get your story on paper).   Some prompts may be longer and ask us to dig a little deeper in to our story and others will simply be “story starters”.

To join in the challenge each month, simply create a layout or project or post following the posted prompt.  Then, upload to the Plant Your Story gallery and comment in the monthly blog post with a link to your posted page.  You have until the end of the month at midnight EST, to complete the challenge.  Each month one participant will win a $10 gift certificate to my store!!

My vision for these is that there will be room to “play”. The monthly prompt will just be a place to start from.  There will be no product requirements, no parameters beyond the journaling nudge.  You will go where your creativity guides you in design and in words.

My hope is that this challenge will encourage you have fun, have a “play”,  but also just Start (hence, Just Press Play), letting go of the things that may hold you back from getting your stories down.

I hope you’ll join in telling and sharing your story each month!


5 Comments on Just Press Play

  1. Carol
    September 8, 2012 at 7:54 pm (13 years ago)

    What a fabbo idea, I’ll definitely play along, I am all about the journalling too. My view is that memory keeping is 25% photos and 75% journalling.

    • Sara
      September 8, 2012 at 9:28 pm (13 years ago)

      I love that Carol!! I’m with you. I love how the nuances and emotions and details can be so richly communicated and remembered through our words. <3

  2. Corrin
    October 24, 2012 at 9:43 am (12 years ago)

    I was wondering if there has been a just press play for October? I can’t see a link, did I miss it? thanks!

  3. Kelly
    May 7, 2018 at 7:38 pm (7 years ago)

    This is beautiful. I think sharing our stories helps us realize our experiences are important. Thank you for providing the opportunity!


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