Product Catalog

Fresh Seeds | Plant Your Story: Journaled {volume three}, Plant Your Story: Titled {volume one}, and Sage page designs

One of my most favorite things to do is to play with design in my scrapbooking while still keeping the focus on The Story.  And so I find myself inspired by layers and play-with-paper and balance and journal spots working together seamlessly in one design.  And it’s that kind of spirit that lives in this week’s new releases.

Meet Plant Your Story: Journaled {volume three}:

Plant Your Story: Journaled {volume three}

This follow-up set of “journaled” templates focuses on the use of journal cards beyond the horizons of typical Project Life or pocket scrapbooking compositions.  I love journal cards even though I don’t typically scrap in pocket-scrapbooking ways. Still I love to use them to include journaling in my pages or to layer or to add interest in my designs using “filler” journal cards.



Also new this week is Plant Your Story: Titled {volume one}.  I find myself drawn to pages with strong title work and yet it is a facet of my own memory keeping that I sometimes neglect.  I find myself playing with titles and title work more often and with more “gusto” when I have a design that incorporates a title seamlessly.  These page designs were designed in the spirit of embracing “titling in design”.





And finally.  Fresh this week are the Sage page designs.  The Sage templates are designed in the spirit of play with paper, love for balance and clean lines in design, and the every day moment.





All is available at The Lilypad for 20% off through Sunday September 22, 2013.  Subscribers to The Garden Report receive an additional 10% savings.

Here is some beautiful inspiration with this week’s fresh releases.



















As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Really!  Just shoot me a mail through the contact form or share them on my Facebook page.

I so hope you have a beautiful weekend full of memory making (and keeping too!).


Fresh Seeds | Coconut Tree

I’ve always been drawn to stories of hoping and dreaming.  There is something so empowering about a person daring to believe in things, in others and in themselves.  I think it’s brave.  I think it’s bold.  I think it’s authentic. And so full of…color.  And those things shine BIG in this beautiful collection.

Coconut Trees have long been associated with tropical environments, beaches, islands and other places that people find themselves wandering away to in daydreams.  It’s the quintessential dreamy tree.  And so Coconut Tree seemed the botanical name choice for a kit about Dreams and Hopes and celebrating stories of imagination, following dreams and living boldly.  Coconut Tree features vibrant colors, hope{full} words, and a sense of happy.  It was unveiled as part of The Digi Files in July and now it’s come home to The Lilypad.

Meet Coconut Tree:

Coconut Tree



Coconut Tree is available at The Lilypad for 20% off through Sunday September 22, 2013.  Subscribers to The Garden Report receive an additional 10% savings.

Here is some amazing Coconut Tree inspiration, showcasing just how versatile this kit is.  There are pocket scrapbook pages, project pages, girl centric pages, boy centric pages, artistic pages and every last one of them is full of WOW:

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration

Coconut Tree inspiration


And I’m happy to share a fresh free download.  The Coconut cards coordinate with Coconut tree beautifully but can also be used in any pocket scrapbooking pages or other layouts.

Coconut Cards {free download}


As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Really!  Just shoot me a mail through the contact form or share them on my Facebook page.

Here’s to a wonderful weekend full of Hoping and Dreaming and Going Forward.  Happy scrapping, friends!

DigiScrap Parade May 2013 :: That’s Life

The DigiScrap Parade is a fresh “hopping” experience for scrapbookers and storytellers wherein they can “hop” about a series of blogs or Facebook pages to gather pieces to a coordinating collection to scrap their memories.  It is meant to be a sampling of products from wonderful designers in the community, offered quarterly.  I was happy to be a part of the inaugural hop (which is at once GINORMOUS and very beautiful).  For more information and for all the links to the hop, please stop by the DigiScrap Parade website.

Here’s my contribution to That’s Life:

DigiScrap Parade That's Life by Sara Gleason



My contribution can be found on my Facebook page and you’ll be able to hop into the mix easily from there.  Happy Scrapping!

{fresh seeds} | Petals No.4, Helenium, Stargazer, Grab Bag

Happy fresh month.  Happy BYOC.  Happy Digital Scrapbooking Day.  Happy Happy.  So very much to be happy about!  This time of year is one of my most favorite.  I just adore the cooler weather, the celebration of creativity, the bubbling anticipation for the holiday season that is just around the corner.  And the sense of gratitude that covers it all.

And the beginning of November is FULL of all of that.  This month’s Build Your Own Collab at The Lilypad is another stellar collection. It is a burst of color and warm and creativity. (more…)

{fresh seeds} Trellis and Marigold

It’s September.  And I’m still shocked that’s so.  So when I say that, I’m saying it with an extra emphasis of disbelief, “It’s Sep.tem.ber.”  Feel free to add (!!!!!!!) for added effect.  You could also slowly shake your head.  Or raise your eyebrows as high as they’ll go.

But it’s true.  And despite my lamenting over just how quickly time passes every month, the start of each month does make me oh so happy because that means it’s BYOC time at The Lilypad.  And this month, we’ve revived the classic school-y palette and spirit of 2011’s Wicked Smart collaboration.  The result is a fabulous collection of academic inspired goodies that will perfectly suit any school-y story.  And yet the range and depth of the offerings bring versatility to them so they can be used for everyday stories too.  It’s an amazing collection that makes me want to scrap, scrap, scrap. (more…)

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