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{fresh seeds} and {blooming creativity} 9 September — Fresh Cut: Sunflower

This is the time of year when our sunflowers are growing BIG and happy.  They really are so sunny and when Bugga and I are out in the garden you can't help but smile when you see them.  So in the spirit of the sunny happy flower we so love, I am thrilled to share with you my latest {fresh seeds}:  Fresh Cut: Sunflower


Fresh Cut: Sunflower is available at After Five Designs for 20% off through Friday 10 September.

And here are heaps of positively sunny and beautiful inspiration from my girls: 





I so hope you like them and feel inspired!

As always I looove to see your
stories and art
too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Just shoot me a
mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven't signed up for my
yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to
hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.  Woot!

I have been jotting down all your fantastic road trip song suggestions (we are going to have the best travel mix ever!) and look for a fresh post from me later today announcing the winner of the giveaway.  Double woot!

Not only that… I will be back with more {fresh seeds} and {blooming creativity} on Friday, when my latest, Learning Garden and my first set of fun and playful Clippables arrives at CatScrap, where I'm guesting this month.  Triple Woot!

Hope you all have a beautiful day! 


{fresh seeds} 2 September — Double Blossom and Single Stems

I can hardly believe that it is September.  Do I say that at the start of every fresh month?  "I can't believe it's…."?  I think I do.  It's just that I have a huge case of "I can't believe how fast time is flying by".  In just two short weeks my family will be on the move!  But there is lots of fun and fresh releases in store before then that I can't wait to share with you!  Including today's {fresh seeds} that I hope will help your creativity bloom!   First is [5]Double Blossom [vol. one] — a set of two coordinating templates that can be used together for your two-page or P365 layouts, or can be scrapped separately.


Next are two separate Single Stem templates that off a little playfulness with paper, some richness in layers, and a smattering of journaling.  And as always you can transform these to suit your own scrapping style and needs. I so hope you like them!!



You can snag Double Blossom {vol. one}, Single Stem {one} and Single Stem {two} for 20% off through Friday 3 September.

I'll be back tomorrow to share some beautiful inspiration and more details about some of the news on the horizon.

One BIG and FABULOUS thing I can share right now is that I am guesting at CatScrap for the month of September!!!  SOOO excited about this!  And my releases there are currently 20% off too too.  Woot!

Hope you all have a beautiful day!!


{blooming creativity} Summer Garden

Happy Friday!!  I'm happy to some share beautiful Summer Garden inspiration with you today!  Summer Garden is playful and sunny and fun and completely inspired by the lingering summer days and I just fell in love with these amazing pages.  

I hope you'll find these templates are perfect for your late summer pages or your "catching up on summer scrapping" pages or your everyday and any day pages! 



Summer Garden is available at After Five Designs for 20_% off through Friday 27 August.

I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!!  


{fresh seeds} 26 August : Summer Garden and {giveaway winner}

Thank you so much for all the warm comments about Summer Garden!!  I loved reading about everyone's favorite summer activities!  From ice cream eating to days at the beach with family, sounds like the makings for beautiful sunny days and sunny memories!  It's those kinds of moments that I love most about summer too!

Thank you so much to all who participated for a chance to win! While Bugga was happily watching The Dinosaur Song on You Tube (which is SOOO cute by the way), I had a date with Mr. Random who helped me determine our winner this morning.  And I am so happy to say "Congratulations!!" to…..


Congrats sweetie!! Please shoot me an email at zinniasandswallowtails
gmail DOT com at your convenience so I can get you set up with Summer Garden

thank you ALL so much!  If you didn't win this time, don't lose
heart..I'll be having new release giveaways pretty regularly. 

You can snag Summer Garden collection for 20% off through Friday 27 August!


And stay
tuned as I'll be back tomorrow with a look at some beautiful Summer

I hope you all have a beautiful day!!!


{fresh seeds} and {yay!!} — CatScrap

So I hinted that I had a bit of news and I’m so excited to share that I’m guesting with CatScrap as they celebrate their 4th “birthday!!  CatScrap has emerged as an amazing haven for truly unique products and warm community over the years and it has long been one of my most favorite places to get inspired and to just “be”.  I have loved scrapping with them and now I’m soooooooo excited to join them and celebrate with them as a guest designer!  I mean, we’re talking completely and giggly and giddily sooo gooped up on the gop!

And with all the fun comes three {fresh seeds}!!!  I’m so happy to share them with you today!

First is a fresh set in my Plant Your Story series of templates, created to really accentuate the stories behind the photos and our memory keeping. These templates emphasize journaling, while still affording you room to “play” and modify page to suit your personal scrapping sensibilities.Meet Plant Your Story Blocked v.2:


The “Blocked” series features journaling created in a design-mind way, where the blocks of journal space can easily become part of the design itself.

Next is Paper Garden v. 1.  As the name implies, these templates were created and inspired by my love of “playing with paper” in my own pages.  I love to use papers, sometimes almost as elements themselves, playing with shapes and layers and composition in all kinds of papery ways.


Annnnd speaking of shapes…I’m so excited to share a special and fun collaboration with sweet Katrina of Tiny Toes Designs.  We got together and created this fabulous set of templates that play with shapes and journaling in fresh and playful ways.  This is Taking Shape:


Right now, as part of the big birthday celebration, Plant Your Story Blocked v.2, Paper Garden v. 1, and Taking Shape are available for 30% off at CatScrap!

And there’s oodles of fun and sales/specials happening as part of the festivities.  So be sure to swing by the forums and get all the details (and freebies).


Check back tomorrow for some beautiful {blooming creativity}.  Hope you have a wonderful day!!


{arrived} Hands Across the Gulf

Hands Across the Gulf is now available at After Five Designs.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s teaser post this project has become something beautifully meaningful to all of us who have participated.  I am SO very grateful for the outpouring of support from the community and everyone who joined me in this endeavor.  We hope you love it as much as we do.  And I want to give sincere thanks in advance for your support of this cause.

And I have to say, as empirically as possible, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered such a beautiful collection of designs in a charity collaboration before.  I love the range of scrapping styles represented, I love the beautiful artistry and creativity expressed.  I love how GINORMOUS it is (and really, it’s huge.).  Here’s a peek at the main preview (there are many more detailed previews in the shoppe, so feel free to check those out as well):


And here’s a closer look the templates from me that you’ll find in the kit:


And I wanted to compile a few inspiration pages to share with you so you can get a closer look at the kit in action:




For more than 90 days, oil gushed into the Gulf of Mexico before the leak was finally “capped” in late July. It is estimated that approximately 4.9 million barrels (or 205.8 million gallons) of oil spilled into the waters. It has been one of the biggest environmental disasters in decades. Hundreds of miles of beaches, wetlands, and estuaries along the northern Gulf Coast have been impacted. The spill, though temporarily “capped”, continues to cause extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats as well as the Gulf’s fishing and tourism industries. Families are without work and marine and land animals continue to suffer. And there are still many unknowns about the long term effects of the oil and of chemical disbursements used in attempts to curtail the flow and impact upon the regional coastline and waters.

Forty-five designers across the digital scrapbooking community have united with one shared cause: to raise awareness and to support recovery efforts for the environment and those impacted by this tragic disaster.

Participating designers include: Aja Abney, Amy Martin, Biograffiti, Boutique Cute Dolls, Createwings Designs, Deena Rutter, Designs by Cindy Schneider, Designs by Crystal Livesay, Dido Designs, Dunia Designs, Emily Merritt Designs, Fiddle Dee Dee Designs, Fizzy Pop Designs, FruitLoOp Sally Designs, Laurie Ann (Heaven’s Gate Designs), Holliewood Studios, Holly Designs, Holly Spring Designs, Jazzmin Designs, Jennifer Barrette Designs, Jacque Larsen, Juliana Kneipp Designs, Kay Miller Designs, Kaye Winiecki, Kitty Designs, Kristin Aagard Designs, Lauren Grier, Leora Sanford, Loreta Labarca, Micheline Martin, Nikki Beaudreau, Paislee Press, One Little Bird Designs, Sabrina Dupre, Sahlin Studio, Sarah Cornish of My 4 Hens Photography, Shabby Miss Jenn, Studio Basic Designs, Sugarplum Paperie, Tickled Pink Studios, Tiny Toes Designs, Tracie Stroud, Vera Lim, Vinnie Pearce, and zinnias and swallowtails.

Hands Across the Gulf is our heartsong for this cause. This gorgeous kit representing the varied styles of the scrapping community, is positively overflowing with beautiful papers, unique elements, templates and Photoshop actions. All told, designers have contributed more than 100 papers and 200 elements, 2 full alphas, 20 templates, and 4 PS actions to Hands Across the Gulf.

Available for sale for one month only, 100% of the proceeds from this kit will be donated to the National Wildlife Federation and to the United Way’s Gulf Recovery Fund.

After the sales period we will donate all proceeds from the sales to these organizations and we will share a receipt of our donation here at After Five Designs on our blog, forum and in our newsletter.

Thank you in advance for your support in this cause that is so near to our hearts.

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