
{fresh seeds} Grow With Love : Letters Edition {April}

I hope everyone is finding the sunny in their Friday!  I can hardly believe we find ourselves on the cusp of April!  We are seeing warmer weather here every day and I know it won’t be long before the “hot like an oven” heat is upon us, so I’m cherishing this balmy time.

And because the seasons are changing and that always feels reflective of seasons in our lives and fresh beginnings and transitions, Crystal and I found ourselves inspired by {beginnings} as we created the latest installment of Grow With Love: Letters Edition.  We hope you’ll enjoy reflecting on fresh beginnings and maybe even creating some for yourself with this set of templates and journaling prompts.

And just look at this gorgeous page from Alice:

other supplies used:  Everyday by Sahlin Studio

from Mi:

other supplies used:  kit by Studio Basic

from Sandra:

other supplies used:  Making Melody by Kitty Designs

other supplies used:  Vow by K Studio

from Anja:

other supplies used:  Making Melody by Kitty Designs

from Niki:

other supplies used:  kit from Tracie Stroud and Julianna Kneipp Designs

from Lizzy:

other supplies used: kit by Thaty Borges

other supplies used:  kit by Lauren Grier

from Erica:

other supplies used:  kit by Sahlin Studio

Grow With Love: Letters {April} is available for 20% off at The Lilypad through Sunday 27 March

As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven’t signed up  the newsletter yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.

I have been so happily busy putting the final touches on my latest project that is so near and dear to my heart.  I can’t wait to share more of it with you soon and very soon!

Happy Scrapping and Happy Friday!

{grow with love: letters} Day Eleven

I woke up this morning to bright sunny skies and we are in that beautiful interim period of nice warm, but-not-too-hot weather, so it was like being greeted with a “nature smile”.  Which always puts me in a mood of gratefulness and pondersomeness.  And cheese-yness, and make-up-my-own-wordness, apparently.  But truthfully, it’s been one of those weeks where days aren’t really going as planned, or falling into line.  When tasks don’t get crossed off the list, where bumps come up in the road, and where worries clog the mind…so this sunny perspective was like a breath of fresh air, this morning.  Instead of thinking of obstacles, I was thinking of gifts.  Isn’t it amazing how moments like that can re-frame your days?  When you are reminded that you can choose how to react to the cards you’ve been dealt?  And that it’s actually a good hand you’re holding?

ANYway..all this to say I was so happy to be pondering gifts today, as it so beautifully meshes with our current journey in Grow With Love.  Today is a letter writing day!  And we are considering gifts this month.  So far we’ve reflected about memorable gifts and written letters that celebrate the gifts in those we love.  Today, we will take a moment to pause, much like I did this morning.  And in that quiet space, we will let ourselves consider our own gifts.

Let’s take a look at today’s prompt:

Do you find it difficult to consider and celebrate your personal gifts?  Do you feel as though you know your strengths?  When you look at your life, are you using them?  How do others describe your gifts?  Think of these things as you put together a page and write about a gift that you have…something that makes you YOU.  Something you feel defines who you are or points you in the direction you hope to go.

I love how the GWL Storytellers captured the spirit of this prompt.  Each in their own way.  I find so much inspiration in these pages:







If you are new to Grow With Love, we hope you’ll feel inspired to join us any time!  You can find an archive of posts and prompts {HERE}.  Crystal and I love to see your pages and we can’t wait to continue in this journey with you!

A couple things to note about GWL happenings on the horizon.  Starting in April, Crystal and I will be posting these GWL: Letters posts at Plant Your Story every Wednesday.  The archive will continue to be available and everything will remain the same, just a wee different venue.  Annnnd…we will be launching the next BIG Grow With Love project with expanded content and inspiration and much much more very soon!  Can’t wait to tell you more!

In the meantime be sure to swing by Crystal’s blog for Day 12 next Wednesday 30 March.  Happy Scrapping!

{free seeds} archive

As I continue to restructure and organize things on the blog as we approach the final reveal of my personal site, I’ve gone through the archives and created a {free seeds} archive for your convenience.  I will update it as new free downloads are added in future.  In the meantime, feel free to take a peek and snag any {free seeds} you may have missed in the past.

So hope you enjoy!  Happy Scrapping!

gathering and sharing {free seeds}

There are some {free seeds} that have been shared in various places over the past few months and I wanted to take a moment to gather these few seeds all in one easy-to-access post for your convenience.

The first, “advent”, was originally shared during my guest stay and as part of Scrap Orchard’s advent celebration.  You can download it by clicking the image or the link {HERE}:

Next is “cranberry” which was originally available during Leora Sanford’s 25 Days of Christmas event.  You can now snag it {HERE} or by clicking the image below:

Next is a template originally available as part of a monthly “with a twist” challenge at After Five Designs.  You can now snag this template {HERE} or by clicking the image below:

So hope you enjoy!  And if you ever feel like sharing your pages created with zinnias and swallowtails template designs, I’d love to see them!  Feel free to share on my Facebook page or send me an email.

Happy Scrapping!

{fresh seeds} sunflower

Happy Friday!  I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy and enjoying the day!  Spring is just around the corner for many of us and I’ve been happily busy working on fresh projects.

This week I’ve brought one of the bestsellers to The Pad — Fresh Cut: Sunflower.  I really love the mix of little details and clean lines in these templates and I love how they can be used for a variety of pages from themey, to full and clustery, to crisp and clean, to artsy and funky.

And here’s a peek at some of the amazing fresh inspiration from the girls and Pollys:

and more still:

Sunflower is available at The Lilypad for 20% off through Sunday 13 March.

If you are a newsletter subscriber you will have received your regular exclusive coupon for additional savings.  If you are not yet a subscriber but would like to receive exclusive news, savings and goodies too, feel free to subscribe {HERE}.

As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

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