
{fresh seeds} Apple Tree

The story of our education and the memories of our school days are a significant part of the fabric of our personal stories. Our educational experiences and the lessons we learn in school and throughout life shape us and our values and beliefs.  The whole “story of learning” in our lives is something that is SO part of who we are.  And it’s a story that deserves to be told.

Apple Tree is a full digital kit inspired by these stories of schooling and learning and it is my hope that it will inspire you to document your own story of learning. Whether you are documenting these days for your child(ren) or for yourself (and please do!), Apple Tree is FULL of hand-crafted crafty goodness with a heart for the schooly story. And it is versatile enough to help you tell any story, for any age and any gender.

Meet, Apple Tree:

And here’s some truly amazing inspiration from the girls and Pollys.  I was blown away with the range of pages here and how some used it to scrap their own personal schooly stories, schooly stories of their kids, and non-schooly pages.  Seriously inspiring:

Apple Tree is available in my shoppe at The Lilypad through Monday 19 September for 20% off!

I’m really thrilled to share with you my very first full kit!!  It is planted firmly in the story and it was a joy to create.  I wanted to create something that reflected my paper scrapping roots a little bit and my love for all things crafty and my penchant for journaling all the while being versatile, easy to scrap, and fun.  It was a long process but a really fulfilling one and I really hope you love it as much as I do!

I have been asked quite a lot if I still plan on designing page design templates and the fast and happy answer is: yes, definitely!  It is my plan to primarily stick to my scrapping/page design foundation…creating a story driven full kit every once in awhile.

In fact I have a couple fabulous fresh template releases on the horizon that I’m excited to share with you!  In the mean time, I so hope you enjoy Apple Tree!!  And that it inspires you to tell your own stories of learning.   As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Really!  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven’t signed up the newsletter yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.

I so hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

and the {9.16} giveaway goes to…

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to comment in the latest {fresh seeds} giveaway featuring the my latest release Apple Tree, which also happens to be my first full kit release!  More than that, thank you for all the kind comments!  I always feel so encouraged and supported by you!!

So.  I met with Mr. Random (of and he has selected the lucky winner!

Congratulations to post # 13 — Michelle Huegel! Michelle, I will be emailing you shortly with your coupon code. Woot!

And thank you again to everyone who participated!  I so hope you have a beautiful weekend!

{blooming soon} Apple Tree

I am thrilled to share with you a peek at a fresh and different something.  Something I’ve been working on for many weeks now.  I’ve been creatively challenged and invigorated with the process and I am hopeful that it will help you capture the stories of your schooling, the story of learning, and life and fun.  Here’s a peek at Apple Tree…a *full kit* (yes, for really!  woot!).  It’s full of classic and versatile papers and hand-crafted elements and I can’t wait to show you the complete reveal on Friday when Apple Tree lands at The Lilypad.  Here’s a peek at what’s to come:

And here’s a little look at how the girls have been using it so far:



Sooooo thought it would be fun to do a quick giveaway!   I’d love to share Apple Tree with one lucky commenter!   If you’d like to win Apple Tree, just leave a comment below for a chance to win before Thursday 15 September at 7pm (PST).   You can increase your chances at winning by posting about the giveaway on Twitter and Facebook, if you’d like.  Be sure to come back here with a link in the comments (please post as a new comment each time).

I will announce the winner here on the blog and in my newsletter on Friday 16 June when these {fresh seeds} hit The Lilypad.  Good luck!! ♥

{fresh seeds} Sugar Maple

Happy September!!  This year is determined to fly by at speeds that leave me reeling and hoping for a moment to breathe and pause so I can catch up with life and tasks and mountains of things I want to pour myself in to, but instead of making another “how did we get here so fast?!” declaration I am welcoming September with arms open w i d e because I’ve been told this is the month that the heat starts to wane..the month when I won’t feel like I’m baking myself when I step outside.  And I’m in the mood to give September a big fat hug because it is the month where things slow down a bit and normalcy sets in, I can just feel it.  We are settling in to the routine of the school year, the weather is settling, everyone is healthy (thank goodness) and good things are on the horizon.

I hope that as summer wanes and as the school year begins for many of us that you are finding September a welcome sight as well…full of hope and promise and warm.  And a fresh (amazing) BYOC at The Lilypad.


With all this promise of autumn beauty and deep breaths, and the fresh hope of the school year, and these yummy colors, I was inspired to create Sugar Maple:

The Sugar Maple templates are designed in the spirit of the warm and the onset of autumn with varied design styles ranging from a “fuller” page, richer in layers with many little details and a little more depth to cleaner and more linear designs. This set is perfect for any autumn, vintage, school, everyday page, all about me, or event page and gives you room to “play” and modify each page to suit your personal scrapping sensibilities.

I’m also happy to introduce Sugar Maple Seeds.   Sugar Maple Seeds are a collection of classic journalers, journal mats, daters and tags. Inspired by the warm and rich welcome of autumn and with the heart of encouraging you to capture your story, Sugar Maple Seeds coordinates seamlessly with the September BYOC but can also be used beyond that in coordination with any of your autumny or everyday pages throughout the year.

Includes 24 different journalers of different sizes and shapes, some with journaling lines, some without, and a few date tag elements to give you a cornucopia of choice in adding that perfect journaling touch to your pages.

And here’s a spot of Sugar Maple inspiration (WOW.):

Sugar Maple and Sugar Maple Seeds are available in my shoppe at The Lilypad through Monday 5 September for 20% off!

As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Really!  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven’t signed up the newsletter yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.

There are so many fabulous happening on the horizon and I can’t wait to share them with you!  I so hope you have a beautiful weekend!

and the {Grow With Love} giveaway goes to…

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to comment in the Grow With Love: One Year Later giveaway!  And thank you so much for all the warm comments about the project!  I have so loved this chapter in my storytelling journey and so much of that is because of those who scrap along side me and encourage and support me, so thank you for that!

So…I sat down for a few moments with Mr. Random (of and he has selected our lucky winners!


Congratulations to posts #1 –lmjrocko , 17 — stampin_rachel, and 23 — Connie Miles!!  Ladies, I will be emailing you shortly with your coupon code.

And thank you again to everyone who participated!  I so hope you have a beautiful weekend!

{fresh seeds} Gladiolus

It’s August.  It’s Warm.  Scratch that, it’s HOT.  Scratch that too, it’s Crazy Hot.  But it’s sunny and  it’s time for a Fresh BYOC and I’m feeling inspired by it’s classic and sometimes retro-y feel.  It feels cozy and homey and warm in a warm fuzzy kind of way.  And I so hope you like it!

I was inspired by this warm palette, summer’s end, and a touch of vintage to create these papery designs.  Meet Gladiolus:

I’m also happy to introduce Gladiolus {story seeds}.  These fun postage date frames and vintagey stamps (in .png + .abr formats) are inspired by old school postage stamps and are perfect for adorning any page or creatively adding dates to layouts and blog posts.:

Gladiolus {story seeds} includes 31 days of dated postage stamp frames (in .png format) that can be recolored or used as a clipping template and customized with papers. Frames come with a clipping mask for your photos or papers and are sized big at 4×5 for easy resizing. Accompanied by month (Jan – Dec) and year (2066-2016) vintagey post stamps (in .png and .abr formats). Use the brushes or re-color the .pngs to create a custom look.

And here’s a spot of Gladiolus inspiration:

Gladiolus and Gladiolus {story seeds} are available in my shoppe at The Lilypad through Sunday for 20% off!

As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Really!  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven’t signed up the newsletter yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.

And don’t forget there is still time to check out and comment for your chance to win in the ongoing Grow With Love: One Year Later giveaway!  In celebration of one year of storytelling, three lucky commenters will receive our very first project Grow With Love: Marriage Edition or a gift certificate to shop my store!  So pop over for your chance to win. ♥

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