
{grow with love: holiday} day two

So remember when, at the close of yesterday’s Grow With Love: Holiday post, I told you to hop over to Crystal’s blog today for Day Two?  Yeah well, the Technology Gremlins had other plans and our sweet Crystal’s internet has been very uncooperative today, to say the least.  So I’m here to happily share {Day Two} of the Holiday Edition with you!

Now that we’ve set the foundation for our attitudes and our perspective in our scrapping for the rest of the project, let’s let ourselves do a little dreaming with the prompt for today:

I have to confess the song that kept floating into my head when conceiving of this prompt was this one by Amy Grant, wherein she sings about her hopes, her BIG hopes her IDEAL hopes for Christmastime.  (incidentally, there have been other versions of this song, including a most fabulous one by Michael Buble but this is the one that I remember from my childhood and so its nostalgia really brought on the extra holiday-y inspiration for me).

Cheesy? Perhaps Completely.  But also warm and fuzzy and full of heart and hope, in an earnest kind of way.  Which is just the recipe for a touching and amazing scrapbook page.  So let your “heart dream” and scrap your Grown Up Christmas List.  It could be on a personal scale..the kind of rarely spoken whispers of your heart: wishes for you and your loved ones.  It could be about your hopes for the world in which we live.  It is where-ever your own heart leads you.  And I have a feeling, in the spirit of this beautiful season, it will lead you somewhere really special, really meaningful.

Here is where it lead Crystal’s:

We hope you feel inspired to share your heartfelt lists…can’t wait to see your beautiful pages!

And with that I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!  Don’t forget to swing by again on Monday for the next Grow With Love: Kids prompt…♥


{grow with love: holiday} day one

Happy Friday!  And welcome to the first post of our Grow With Love: Holiday Edition. Crystal and I are really happy to be walking along side you in storytelling as we navigate this very special time of year!  We hope that you are enjoying the moments of anticipation and preparation and advent and all things holiday-y so far and that you’re not feeling as though the month is getting away from you yet.  I always end up feeling that way at some point during this season (usually when I’m contemplating my to-do lists).  It is my hope that this project will help me to slow a bit, to pause a bit, to go with the flow a bit more, to smile a bit more and to just soak everything up.

We’ve mapped out the schedule for our blogging {here}…and let’s not get caught up in the word “schedule” or the whole idea of it really.  This project doesn’t need to be another item on your to-do fact we hope, rather, that it will be something you can unwind with as you reflect and as you walk through these holly jolly days.  Remember, this is (as are all the Grow With Love projects) a self-paced workshop.  We will blog (and hopefully inspire) and you check in when at your own pace.  The prompts can be your jumping off point for documenting your holiday in and of itself or in conjunction with any other holiday project.  We can’t wait to see your pages and process as we go along!  So..let’s get started!

Here’s our prompt for {Day One}:

This is a lay-the-groundwork kind of prompt.  It may, at first glance, seem an almost obvious or “easy” something to scrap about…like “well of course THIS is why the holiday is important to me” because the meaning we each find in the holidays is something that is so within us and so a part of our history that we don’t often give it second thoughts.  It’s just a given.

But we really want you to give this a good think.  We really want to get you thinking about what you love about the holidays.  And more importantly, why.  Because it will be the why that will help you stay focused on what you love most and really enjoy everything all the more.  This kind of foundation building can really be a game-changer.  It can turn something “unpleasant” into something appreciated for its blessing.  It can change the way you consider others’ actions and intentions.  It can change the way you consider your own.  It can help give you a fresh perspective on the “old”. It can help you re-focus throughout the busy.  It can really transform and enrich your holidays.

So..whatever it is that you think of, whatever it is that you feel when you consider the holidays, scrap about it.  Get to the meat of it.  For a lot of us, it could be our faith that guides our attitudes and actions and traditions and everything about this time of year.  For others it could be family.  It could be a whole mosaic of things that really give the holidays meaning for you.  Whatever it is, map that out.

Here’s where this prompt lead me:

And Crystal:

We hope that you let yourself get a little lost in the reflecting and have fun scrapping your own “why” and then let it guide you through the holidays..and the next prompts.  The very next of which will be coming tomorrow.  Can’t wait to see your pages!

Hope you have a beautiful weekend!  Happy Scrapping!


{grow with love: kids} day seven

So we’re headed into the season of crazybusy holiday and we will be diving in to Grow With Love: Holiday this week (so check back tomorrow for the details on that), for those who are wanting to join us in enhancing our family and story throughout the advent and holiday season.

But I have to say that I’m looking forward to keeping up with the Grow With Love: Kids Edition posts to help keep me grounded in what really matters this season.  Continue to check in here on Mondays and at Crystal’s blog on Thursdays for the GWL Kids Edition posts.  And remember, this is a self paced project and you can dive in anytime.  The schedule as mapped out now, has us scrapping the Kids Edition into January so there will be plenty of time to catch up if you find yourselves getting carried away with all things holiday.  If you’re just joining us (Welcome!!!!) feel free to peek at the backstory and summary of everything-you-need-to-know {HERE}.

For now, here we are at the start of Week Four and Day Seven.  This week will challenge us to act in the spirit of YES and scrap with perspective.  Let’s take a look at today’s prompt:

So grab your camera and let yourself fade into the white noise of the day to capture something “everyday”, something candid and “ordinary”, and then let yourself consider just how extraordinary that can be.  Be deliberate in how you ponder the scene (and photos) you see.  What is the story there? ….really.  What can you learn from this moment?  What does this moment reveal to you about your child(ren)?  About yourself?  Try to shift your perspective and really put pen to paper about this everyday.  Take something that may normally feel “superficial” and dive deeper.

What I love about this prompt is that it can really become so many things to each of us.  Because we all live so many little moments that are bigger and fuller and more special than we give them credit for as we hustle and bustle through our days.  These are the things that may just fade into the backgrounds of our minds…but they will be woven together as a backdrop, the kind that gives us (and our kids) a sense of who we are, the values we hold.  They are little pieces of us, pieces of our families.  Here’s a little inspiration…

I decided to quite literally follow my Bugga around for a day, taking photos here and there as she was immersed in whatever it was she was doing.  And the photo I choose to scrap in the end was a detail shot of her soaking up a new favorite book.  A gift from nana.  It was just a regular quiet moment.  But as I considered it, and this shot, it filled me with a renewed sense of just how sponge-y she is.  It’s something we all know as parents, of course, but the import of it just hit me afresh..that she is constantly learning and soaking things in..certainly more than I do, more than my DH does..and that we need to foster that at every turn.  Because really we only “have” her for a finite period of time.  We need to make the most of every moment.  Get “in the pages” with her even more than we already do.

Getting in tight on a shot like this..cropping in camera or in your program, can really bring focus to your page and story.

Crystal captured a beautiful moment of play and interaction with her son and daughter.  And I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this amazing photograph and page.  I imagine that’s how she felt looking through the lens as well.  Mommies and Daddies of more than one child can really seize a beautiful opportunity of a stellar candid capture in a shared moment between your kids, which will lend itself beautifully to the kind of perspective we’re hoping to share on the page with this prompt.

So go forth, grab the camera and capture that candid moment and scrap.  🙂  Can’t wait to see your beautiful pages!  As always, Crystal will be blogging on Thursday, so take a peek there for Day Eight.

Happy Scrapping!  Happy Week!

{blooming creativity} — Grow With Love: Holiday

I'm completely gooped up with that full of anticipation and joy kind of feeling that comes with this time of year.  Crystal and I are so similar in a lot of ways, one of them being our shared love for all things holiday-y. And so we are really excited about the latest in our Grow With Love series: the Holiday EditionGrow With Love: Holiday landed at The Lilypad and Oscraps this weekend and will be available for 20% off for only a few short hours more.  We will dive in to the prompts beginning on 1 December and we hope they will help enrich your holiday scrapping AND your holiday living this year.  You can use GWL in concert with any other holiday-centered scrap project you may be working on, or you can simply play along with us as we dive in to scrap our holidays.

Before we do, here's a peek at some of the amazing inspiration from our teams.  I love how these templates can beautifully be used for holiday pages, but also for any general page! 





Hope you'll join us on this holiday scrapping adventure as we look at traditions, wishes and hopes, faith, and fun!


{blooming creativity} — Frogger and Bugga

I hope everyone has been enjoying a beautiful weekend!  Did you soak up some good family time?  Do a little shopping? Start decking the halls?  All of the above?  We did a little of each ourselves and I'm feeling more in the holiday mood than ever. 

Before we settle in to a fresh week, I wanted to share a little inspiration from my girls and the Pollys with my {fresh seeds}  Frogger and Bugga collaboration with the ever amazing Amy Martin.

I had SO much fun collaborating with Amy to bring you these adorable and playful templates inspired by boys and girls. The name comes from our nicknames for own little loves..Amy's "Frogger" and my "Bugga".  You can purchase the entire set or just "Bugga" or just "Frogger"..both are full to the brim with versatile and fun templates from me and from Amy, that you can use for any kid-centric page, or any general page.  Here's a little {blooming creativity} with Frogger and Bugga.  The girls really had fun with this one and completely ROCKED it…








I will be back in a bit to share some inspiration with Grow With Love: Holiday.  Squee!

Don't forget today is the last chance to save at The Lilypad's Black Friday weekend o' savings.  So you can snag these new releases and *everything else* in my shoppe for 20% off through tonight.  Woot!

Happy Scrapping!


{grow with love: kids} day five

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend!  Welcome to Week Three and Day Five of Grow With Love: Kids Edition.  If you’re just finding us, we’re so happy to have you join in this adventure-in-scrapping with us!!  You can find all the details you need to know {HERE}.  The most important thing to know is: anyone can participate with us at any time (and we hope you do!). And that no matter your scrapping medium, no matter your style, how long or how short you have been scrapping, no matter *what* — Grow With Love can help you harness your inner storyteller and bring your stories to the page.  Just let your creativity guide you throughout the process and let yourself be challenged a little and we think you’ll be really happy (and proud!) of your pages.

We have seen some amazing pages so far!  And we can’t wait to see what’s to come!

So far in the first four prompts we’ve had quite a lot of fun scrapping some history and some personality.  We will build off of this foundation into a little meatier territory this week.

Today’s prompt asks us to consider shades of ourselves that we see in our children.  Let’s take a look:

When we were developing prompts this one (and day six’s too) immediately floated to the forefront of my thinking because these days it seems there isn’t a day that goes by when Bugga does something or says something, or even sighs in such a way, that it doesn’t remind us of me.  Family, friends, they all remark about how she’s so much like me.  So I got to really thinking about that and what of myself I see in her.  What I’m happy I’ve shared with her.

In some respects this prompt could be approached as an all about me page.  In that you need to get a little introspective and reflect about your own personality and character.  And for the purpose of today’s prompt we’d like you to consider yourself fairly, not critically.  Consider those things about yourself that make you proud.  The things you feel are strengths.  When you see your little one, what of yourself do you see?

So take a little time to get reflective and then smile as you scrap those similarities, large or small.

Here’s a bit of inspiration from Crystal:

I can’t wait to see how your kiddos carry a piece of you in them too!

And don’t forget to head over to Crystal’s blog on Wednesday (note the different day due to the Thanksgiving holiday) for Day Six.

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