
{blooming creativity} — Frogger and Bugga

I hope everyone has been enjoying a beautiful weekend!  Did you soak up some good family time?  Do a little shopping? Start decking the halls?  All of the above?  We did a little of each ourselves and I'm feeling more in the holiday mood than ever. 

Before we settle in to a fresh week, I wanted to share a little inspiration from my girls and the Pollys with my {fresh seeds}  Frogger and Bugga collaboration with the ever amazing Amy Martin.

I had SO much fun collaborating with Amy to bring you these adorable and playful templates inspired by boys and girls. The name comes from our nicknames for own little loves..Amy's "Frogger" and my "Bugga".  You can purchase the entire set or just "Bugga" or just "Frogger"..both are full to the brim with versatile and fun templates from me and from Amy, that you can use for any kid-centric page, or any general page.  Here's a little {blooming creativity} with Frogger and Bugga.  The girls really had fun with this one and completely ROCKED it…








I will be back in a bit to share some inspiration with Grow With Love: Holiday.  Squee!

Don't forget today is the last chance to save at The Lilypad's Black Friday weekend o' savings.  So you can snag these new releases and *everything else* in my shoppe for 20% off through tonight.  Woot!

Happy Scrapping!


a positive cornucopia of goodness

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the US celebrating today!!  I hope that your days were full: of friends and family, of good food and good memories!! We nestled in to a good day with friends and enjoyed some good eats.  I always feel so reflective and so grateful today and throughout the holiday season.  I am so very blessed and my heart is full of thanks.

Thank you to you too, for all the warm support and inspiration and kindness!

As today’s holiday wanes into Black Friday I know there is a lot of busy and family and noshing and shopping so I’ll try not to ramble on too much today.  I did want to let you know about the amazing goings on at The Pad this weekend, including Black Friday sales (as in completely crazy sales — and you know those don’t happen too very often at The Lilypad) and two {fresh seeds} from me that I am really excited to share.

Here’s a peek at the happending at The Lilypad.


I have a few things available among the amazing Doorbusters, including Heirloom Garden which is making its debut at The Lilypad.  If you haven’t had a chance to snag this collection of templates inspired family, heritage, history, and stories in varied scrapping styles, now’s the best chance to do so.  My bundles and my fantastic holiday card collaboration with Amy Martin, Good Cheer, will also be available for 50% off.  These sales activate at 4am EST and run through 10am EST.  Woot!

The sales continue throughout the weekend (40% off of Friday, 30% off on Saturday, and 20% off on Sunday), so if you miss the doorbusters never fear there are still chances to save BIG.  Everything in my store will be on sale (new releases excluded, which are available for 20% off through the weekend).

So speaking of new releases.  Let’s take a peek at this week’s {fresh seeds}.  You already had a peek at Grow With Love: Holiday, my latest collaboration with Crystal.  We are so excited to share this with you and hope it will help you dive into the holidays with a storytelling focus and a heart full of perspective.



I wanted to thank everyone who played along for the {giveaway} of Grow With Love: Holiday.  I really loved reading through all the responses and hearing about your favorite holiday tunes!!  I kept nodding my head in agreement with so many (O Holy Night for example — which still manages to give me chills every.single.time. I hear it) and giggled aloud just thinking about a few (Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer).  So thanks for a bright little spot in my evening tonight.

I turned to Mr. Random again to help me select our winner.  And I want to say a big Congratulations to…….

Congratulations, Carrie!  Please send me an email to claim you prize.  ♥  If you missed out on this giveaway, head over to Crystal’s blog for a last moment chance to win..there’s still time to squeak in for a chance {HERE}.


Ok…I know I said I wouldn’t ramble too much, but I can’t close without showing you what else is in store for this weekend.  I have teamed up again with the very fabulous Amy Martin.  We have been conceiving and working on this fun and playful set of templates for weeks now and I’m so happy to share them with you today!


You can snag the full set or just Bugga or just Frogger.  All are available throughout the weekend for 20% off.

Also, as if that weren’t enough..there is an amazing Free With Purchase collaboration, Fall Moments, between The Lilypad and Sweet Shoppe Designs.  Seriously.  And it’s gorgeous.


I’ll be back tomorrow with a closer look and some inspiration.  For now, I hope you all have a beautiful Friday!  And for those venturing out for the sales, have fun and be safe!

Sig — a {grow with love} giveaway

I'm so in the holiday mood.  I know it's still not even turkey day here in the states, but I can't help it.  I'm completely and totally gooped up about the approaching advent and holiday season.  It just makes me happy.  In a totally cheesy, memory making, legacy driven kind of way.  I love the traditions, I love the sights and smells, I love the anticipation, the giving, the caring just a little more, I even love the busy. 

And so when my sweet Crystal and I were contemplating a holiday Grow With Love series, there was no hesitation.  We both just knew we wanted to develop and share a holiday-centered project.  And so we've created a shortened version of Grow With Love for the holidays, so I guess you could say it's more a Twelve Days of Christmas kind of thing.  We are excited to share some wonderfully holiday-centric prompts with you all and they can be used in concert with and to enhance any other holiday project you may be pursuing!  As always we hope this holiday edition will help guide you through the season in a memory-minded way so that you can capture your stories and let them make your holiday a little something extra special this year.

Here's a peek at what's to come:


And our prompts for this are really wonderful for preserving this beautiful time of year in a special way — I can't wait to scrap them all!

So I'm rambling on and on like this because, as always, we are so eager to share Grow With Love with you.  And we like to make you smile.  Soooo….I will be giving away our new Grow With Love: Holiday to one lucky commenter.  If you like to win, just leave a comment below telling me what your favorite holiday song is, for a chance to win before Thursday 25 November at 7pm (PST).   You can increase your chances at winning by posting about the giveaway on Twitter and Facebook.  Be sure to come back here with a link in the comments.

{grow with love: kids} day five

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a beautiful weekend!  Welcome to Week Three and Day Five of Grow With Love: Kids Edition.  If you’re just finding us, we’re so happy to have you join in this adventure-in-scrapping with us!!  You can find all the details you need to know {HERE}.  The most important thing to know is: anyone can participate with us at any time (and we hope you do!). And that no matter your scrapping medium, no matter your style, how long or how short you have been scrapping, no matter *what* — Grow With Love can help you harness your inner storyteller and bring your stories to the page.  Just let your creativity guide you throughout the process and let yourself be challenged a little and we think you’ll be really happy (and proud!) of your pages.

We have seen some amazing pages so far!  And we can’t wait to see what’s to come!

So far in the first four prompts we’ve had quite a lot of fun scrapping some history and some personality.  We will build off of this foundation into a little meatier territory this week.

Today’s prompt asks us to consider shades of ourselves that we see in our children.  Let’s take a look:

When we were developing prompts this one (and day six’s too) immediately floated to the forefront of my thinking because these days it seems there isn’t a day that goes by when Bugga does something or says something, or even sighs in such a way, that it doesn’t remind us of me.  Family, friends, they all remark about how she’s so much like me.  So I got to really thinking about that and what of myself I see in her.  What I’m happy I’ve shared with her.

In some respects this prompt could be approached as an all about me page.  In that you need to get a little introspective and reflect about your own personality and character.  And for the purpose of today’s prompt we’d like you to consider yourself fairly, not critically.  Consider those things about yourself that make you proud.  The things you feel are strengths.  When you see your little one, what of yourself do you see?

So take a little time to get reflective and then smile as you scrap those similarities, large or small.

Here’s a bit of inspiration from Crystal:

I can’t wait to see how your kiddos carry a piece of you in them too!

And don’t forget to head over to Crystal’s blog on Wednesday (note the different day due to the Thanksgiving holiday) for Day Six.

{blooming creativity} — Taking Shape and Listed and Quoted, oh my!

Hope everyone has been enjoying a beautiful weekend! 

Bugga and I woke before dawn and drove to the river to catch a fabulous hot air balloon launch and ohmygoodness it was SO neat!  I've never been to one, so it was a first for both of us.  I was surprised by just how close we were to all the launching balloons.  It seemed they were on every side and the bright and beautiful colors, the sound of the hot air and flames popping and blowing, and the quiet of the floating surrounded us.  Bugga was fascinated.  So was I.

Anyway..good way to start the morning and now I'm settling in to finish up a couple holiday projects and some {fresh seeds} coming for Black Friday and beyond.  But before I get lost in all of that I wanted to share some amazing inspiration from my creative team and the Pollys.  I always feel so freshly inspired when I compile and see all the amazing inspiration because it reminds me just how a template can take eleventyhundred different forms and voices..depending on the story being shared and the style of a scrapper.  And this week is no exception.  Lots of WOW here.

Taking Shape




Plant Your Story: Listed {volume two}



Plant Your Story: Quoted {volume two}



You can snag all three in my shoppe for 20% off through today.  Woot!

Hope you all have a beautiful day!



{fresh seeds} Quoted, Listed, and Taking Shape

Happy Friday!!

This week has positively flown by for me, as weeks always seem to do as the holidays approach.  We've been happily busy with holiday preps and considering gratefulness and trying to slow everything down just a *wee* bit so we can really soak up the magic of this time of year.  And can I just say that reading all your comments in the {giveaway} post got me even MORE in the mood for the holidays, if that were possible.  LOL!

All that to say a lot of my happily busy mood lately has been creating some {fresh seeds} and I'm really happy to share these with you today:

Taking Shape


Plant Your Story: Quoted {volume two}


Plant Your Story: Listed {volume two}


All three sets are available in my shoppe throughout the weekend for 20% off!!

As always I looove to see your stories and art too, so please feel free to share with me anytime.  Just shoot me a mail or share them on my facebook page.  And if you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet you may want to do that so you can be the first to hear the latest news and get the latest exclusive savings.  Woot!

Next week I'll have oodles to share with you with more news and fresh goodies on the way, including another collaboration with my dear friend Crystal.  She's posted a peek at what's to come on her blog, so be sure to check that out. 

Also the Grow With Love: Kids project is ongoing and we've been so happy to see all the amazing pages!  You are welcome to join in anytime and we hope you do!  ♥

Stay tuned for some {blooming creativity} inspiration.  In the mean time I hope you all have a beautiful day!


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